Mother’s Day 2020

This Mother’s Day is for the books. We can’t order gifts, we can barely browse the shops for anything except chocolate (and if you do, make it Lindt ;)). So here is a list of non-commercial gift ideas for precious moms on Mother’s Day this year. Dad’s this article is for you. Moms… pass this on if your hubby needs some help in making the day special for you (remember that there is no weakness is expressing what you would like and it does not detract from your hubby’s desire to do something special for you).


  1. The gift of time off. Make her brekkie in bed and then let her know you will be in charge for however long you can manage. Make her a bubble bath and take care of the kids for the morning/dad/hour.

  2. Offer to do all the cooking for the day. Even if it is toast for all 3 meals, she will be grateful it is done.

  3. Offer to do all the cleaning and tidying up for the day - even mom will appreciate this. Whilst you are at it, ask what needs to be done so that her expectations are clear!

  4. Make a card with your kids expressing how much you appreciate the many things she does. Be specific and use words that show her how you really feel. Have a box of tissues nearby :)

  5. Make a fun video of you all talking about how awesome she is and what you love about her.

  6. Bake and make coffee to surprise her with an afternoon picnic in the sun. Click here for an easy Brownie recipe to try. If treats and coffee aren’t her thing, whip out some wine if you have any left and make an afternoon picnic of cheese and crackers!

  7. Offer her an afternoon to herself with her book and a nap.

  8. Pop some corn and get cozy on the couch watching a movie (try Pitch Perfect).

  9. Give her a massage.

  10. Get her buddies or family members to send loving videos with nuggets about what they love about her.

Mostly, she wants to feel adored and appreciated for all she does <3


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